Our challenges are a weight loss challenge designed to make you lose weight, tone up, gain strength, and improve fitness all round.



Holding yourself personally accountable for your current health is an essential part of the journey to your ideal physique. We are so quick to allow the little devil on our shoulder voice to take the easy path! Why do you think elite athletes have coaches? To keep them accountable even when it is tough and they don’t feel like doing it.

At The Underground, we will provide you with an accountability coach to message you three times a week and meet you once a fortnight to keep you accountable to your goals.

With the support of a coach and your work ethic, anything is possible if you give it a crack.


The crucial ingredient for success! EVERYTHING IN MODERATION.

Your meal plan does not have to be so restrictive, you can still enjoy all the good stuff by REGULATING AMOUNT OF FOOD INTAKE.


Exercise is essential to aiding the speed and success of your weight loss journey. The type of exercise you partake in can drastically increase the results and aid in keeping your body composition in your ideal physique. At The Underground, we have an overall focus on strategic improvements in strength and mobility through our three-week progressive workout block. That is why our workouts are safe, sustainable and have your bodies lifetime value in mind.

Our Challenges are tailored to getting the results the clients require.

Done properly, our challengers can:


Fit Over 40 challenger

6 To Fit Challenger

Memberships Left

Hurry though, we’ve only released 20 spots due to limited capacity so get in quick because once they're gone- they're gone!!

32D Doveton Street North, Ballarat Central 
P 0412 173 153

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